Never before have I experienced a year with so many life changes. After establishing residency in a nomad-friendly state, I spent most of the year abroad while starting a new side hustle. My travels were slower, more intentional, which allowed me to bond with some amazing people in far corners of the world. Meanwhile, my family relations deteriorated; I essentially lost my dad, and I accidentally became one too.


2024 in 366 Seconds

Month by month

Featuring: Switzerland, Milan, New York, and Mexico

Featuring: Tulum, Houston, Telluride, Crested Butte, Denver, and family stress

Featuring: Dad's health, New York City, Abbie's home, Daytona Beach, cycling, and moving forward

Featuring: studying, exams, piloting, motorcycles, conferences, and chapters in Florida, Nashville, Las Vegas, South Dakota, Washington D.C., and the Southeast

Featuring: Madeira, writing, Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira

Featuring: Porto Santo, Madeira, New York, Grand Cayman, biking, and Abbie

Featuring: Washington DC, New York, New Jersey, Sri Lanka, kitesurfing, boating, weightlifting, laughing, and new friends

Featuring: Sri Lanka, beaches, dining, motorbike, site seeing, and lots and lots of adventures

Featuring: fourteen photo shoots and fancy parties across three continents in Sri Lanka, New York, Washington DC, Telluride, London, and Copenhagen

Featuring: Copenhagen, Faroe Islands, Northern Lights, Atlanta, Greenville, and entertainment

Featuring: New York City, Albania, book design, working out, and the sea

Featuring: preparations, decorations, baby girl, family time, and snowboarding in Japan